★ 澳洲製 RODE NT-5 電容式麥克風(成對錄音室/現場立體聲收音麥克風)!★
Rode 經典的小震膜電容式麥克風,適用於木吉他/古典吉他/爵士鼓組/銅鈸/現場收音
The NT5 matched pairs are a masterpiece of small-diaphragm cardioid-condenser microphone design.
Intended for recording acoustic instruments, drum overheads, cymbals and live performances, the compact externally polarized mic employs a 1/2" capsule, an active J-FET impedance converter with bipolar output buffer.
Finished in durable satin nickel, the NT5 is intended for either single or stereo X/Y mic set-ups. The NT5 matched pairs comesupplied in a custom carry case with windshields and mounts.
NT5 microphone reviews:“The NT5 pair I use on Acoustic guitars, string sections, and sometimes just atmosphere from the room. One problem, keep your eyes on the musicians. They will put this one in their back pocket after the session” - Bootsy Collins “The RØDEs really have excellent directivity and rejection. I recorded with no eq or compression and got a super sound.” - Jim Decicco, Producer (Linkin Park, Ice-T) “RØDE have got it right with the NT5s, they sound fantastic. They are keepers that I will hold onto for years to come.” - Bill Ruys, Harmony Central (Customer Review)
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