★ ESP LTD MH-53 單單雙大搖座電吉他 ★ Great features for the metalist on a modest budget! The LTD MH-53 electric guitar from ESP has a maple neck, basswood body and a maple fretboard. The thin U-shaped neck with 24 extra jumbo frets provides comfort and speed. The ESP humbucker with 2 single-coil pickup configuration provides lots of tone versatility. ESP-LTD tuners and a locking nut keep you tuned and intoned, so you'll sound your best. Volume, tone and a 5-way toggle give you options with simplicity. The Floyd Rose Special tremolo bridge lets you dive bomb the night away. Chrome hardware and black dot inlays finish off a great look. Features ESP/LTD MH-53 Electric Guitar Bolt-On Construction Controls: Master Volume You can't beat this combination of uptown features and affordable price.
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